Understand the “now” of wages and
job postings trends with alternative data

Based on job advertisement data from HRog Inc.,
we offer “Wage Index” and “Job Postings Index”.
Wage Index (Full Time 、All) YoY Growth (%)
Job Postings Index (Full Time 、All) YoY Growth (%)
Wage Index (Part Time 、All) Actual Wage (Yen)
Job Postings Index (Part Time 、All) Level
“Overall” is an index that combines all occupations, including those that are distributed.
Do you have any of these issues?

Existing official statistics cannot
capture true wage trends accurately.

Difficult to conduct cross-sectional analysis on a regional and industry sector-specific basis

Need data to analyze wage and job trends in forecasting the Japanese economy and monetary policy.
HRog Wage Now allows for timely and detailed
insights into wage and job posting trends
at a high frequency.

We provide timely, high-frequency, and detailed indexes based on job advertisement data.
HRog Wage Now is a highly preliminary service that releases “Wage Index” and “Job Postings Index” two weeks after the data is scraped. The indexes are updated on a weekly basis. They can be viewed by YoY and Level.

Cross-sectional analysis by Employment Type, Prefecture, Occupation, Industry Sector, and Company Size is available.
You can track the growth rates of wages and job postings compared to nationwide or other prefectures' data for specific employment types and occupations.
ex., full time factory workers in prefectures with a semi-conductor industry.
Additionally, you can also confirm the differences in trends between large and small-to-medium enterprises, such as in the manufacturing sector.

Helpful to the outlook for projections of the Japanese economy and monetary policy.
The conditions of job markets are essential to analyze the Japanese economy and monetary policy. These indexes can provide an outlook on the Japanese economy and monetary policy.
Update on Data Export Feature
Cross-Sell Analysis for Full-Time Employees and Annual Wage Now Available on "HRog Wage Now"
"HRog Wage Now" Utilized in Mitsubishi Research Institute's "MRI Daily Economic Points"
"HRog Wage Now" Utilized in the Distribution Materials of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "Subcommittee on Guidelines for the Central Minimum Wage Council for FY 2024 (2nd Meeting)"
“HRog Wage Now” was used at Japanese think tank
Free Trial
Free trial includes access to all data
unlimited for 1 month

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The index is calculated from data scraped from over 100 job advertisement media in over 100 different media on the Internet.
You can view the indexes of wages and job postings overall, in comprehensive, occupation-specific, prefecture-specific, industry-specific, company size-specific, occupation × prefecture, occupation × company size, company size × prefecture, and industry × prefecture cross-sections.
※ We do not provide indices for occupation × industry, or cross-sections with three or more attributes.
The region is by prefecture.
For occupations, there are 22 types including IT engineers, manufacturing/factory/chemical/food industry, etc.
Company size is divided into 4 categories based on the number of employees.
The industries include 14 sectors such as MANUFACTURING, based on the major categories of the Japan Standard Industrial Classification.
For employment status, you can view by full-time or part-time.
Please contact us for details.
Weekly indexes are calculated based on data from every Monday and distributed on the following Monday.
For monthly updated indexes, please check the distribution schedule on this website.
Yes, you can. Please mention "Nowcast Co.” Also, please contact us to let us know that you would like to cite the data.
First, please register for a free trial. We will then guide you through the process of switching from a free trial membership to a paid membership. If
you have any questions, please contact us.
You can request service materials with more information from here.
Service Materials about HRog Wage Now

Fill in user details and apply for free trial.